Step into the realm of resilience, endurance, and achievement with ”The Greg Bennett Show.” Hosted by Greg Bennett, an Olympian, former world number one triathlete, and one of the most prolific figures in Triathlon, this podcast embodies Greg’s career-defining mantra, ”Success comes to those who endure just one moment longer.” On ”The Greg Bennett Show” Greg blends his wealth of 27 years of professional experience, having won over 100 international races from 500 starts and held the title of the world’s number 1 ranked triathlete for three consecutive years, with profound, insightful dialogues featuring the world’s leading athletes, coaches, entrepreneurs, and high-performers. These conversations traverse sports, business, entrepreneurship, and entertainment sectors, providing a rich tapestry of stories about the relentless pursuit of success, mental resilience, and the art of endurance. A balance between Greg’s remarkable career and the inspiring journeys of his guests, ”The Greg Bennett show” serves as a beacon of inspiration for those daring to strive, persist, and endure just one moment longer in their pursuit of greatness.

Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
You need to calm down and trust the work you've done
Letting go, and letting the race happen
I wasn't there to win, I was there to perform
This was the moment that I trained for
You don't know how to feel
If it comes down to a sprint, don't go too early, and don't go too late

Monday May 29, 2023
Jason West - Professional Triathlete
Monday May 29, 2023
Monday May 29, 2023
I really do belong, racing with these top guys at the front
When you line up on the start line and your intention is to race at the front. You wanna affect the race.
If you're on the startline, and you don't believe you're gonna win ...
The ITU forces you to become a complete athlete
When COVID hit, I almost didnt come back to racing ...
Theres more incentive to cheat ...
Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses?
First job?
You've been given an elephant. You can't give it away or sell it. What would you do with it?
You have to sing karaoke; what song do you pick?
Can vegetarians eat animal crackers?
Would you rather always be 10 minutes late or always be 20 minutes early?
If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?
If your bike could talk, what would it say about you?
If you could have an unlimited supply of one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Which decade of music is best?

Monday May 22, 2023
Monday May 22, 2023
Toughest race you've ever competed in?
Favourite post-race meal?
What's your favourite training destination?
Pavlova (meringue-based dessert): A Kiwi invention or an Aussie one?
One book you would recommend?
What's the one thing about Australia that you secretly admire?
If you could go back to any decade of your life, which one would it be and why?
What's the most "old person" thing you do now that you're in your 50s?
Who's your favourite Australian athlete, and you can't say Greg Bennett?

Monday May 15, 2023
Andrew Herr - Founder & CEO at Fount
Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
The future of health and performance is personal.
At Fount, we create health and performance programs tailored to your body, your goals, and your lifestyle.
93% of travelers experience jet lag. You can be among the 7% who don’t — guaranteed.

Monday May 08, 2023
Jessie Diggins - Olympic Gold Medallist - Cross Country Skiier
Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
Just breathe and enjoy this ...
When your passion collides with your purpose, then wow!
I wanna beat 'me' from 5 minutes ago ...
I race because I love the sport
“When I was 18 and I had an eating disorder, I needed to know that it wasn’t my fault and that getting help was a brave thing to do,”
Whether you think you can ... or think you can't ... either way, you're right!
One book you would recommend?
Two most-used apps on your phone?
Toughest race of his career so far?
Out of 10, how cool is Jessie Diggins?
Who would you want to play a movie of your life?
Which decade of music is the best?
Which race has been your favourite?
Where in the world is somewhere you want to go but havent yet?
What is the greatest movie of all time?

Monday May 01, 2023
Monday May 01, 2023
it's about managing the smiles and cries in each day
From long-distance cycling to competing in an Ironman, one racing commonality is finding a reliable source to keep your body fueled
not all endurance supplements are created equal
Endurance sports call for endurance foods, quick energy; especially when racking up the miles
From long-distance cycling to competing in an Ironman, one racing commonality is finding a reliable source to keep your body fueled
Racing has provided me with some of the sharpest and most meaningful lessons
One book you would recommend?
Two most-used apps on your phone?
Toughest race of his career so far?
First job?
Out of 10, how cool is Daniel Bækkegård?
Who would you want to play a movie of your life?
Which decade of music is the best?
Where is somewhere you haven’t been, you’d like to go?
Greatest movie of all time?

Monday Apr 24, 2023
Daniel Bækkegård - Professional Triathlete
Monday Apr 24, 2023
Monday Apr 24, 2023
I felt at that point I was running as fast as I could
The learnings from a bad race far outweigh the learnings from a good training day
It's one of the most underated moments in the history of the sport
I wanted to do anything in my power to get the best out of myself
One book you would recommend?
Two most-used apps on your phone?
Toughest race of his career so far?
First job?
Out of 10, how cool is Daniel Bækkegård?
Who would you want to play a movie of your life?
Which decade of music is the best?
Where is somewhere you haven’t been, you’d like to go?
Greatest movie of all time?
be curious about all aspects of the world

Monday Apr 17, 2023
Simon Marshall PhD - Screenwriter | Brain Wrangler | Recovering Academic
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
These are stem cell skills ...
What you think has a direct impact on your physiology
Sport is a failure based business
Letting your 'meat computer' manage things
...'music', is chimp porn ...
You don't have to feel good to have a good race

Monday Apr 10, 2023
Scott Tindal - Nutrition coach to professional triathletes
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Monday Apr 10, 2023
Those guys were the 'full package'
If you're not overtraining at sometime, then you probably don't want it enough ...
A simple to follow traffic light system guides you on your nutrition before, during and after your training sessions.
Two most-used apps on your phone?
Toughest race?
First job?
Out of 10, how cool are you?
Who would you want to play a movie of your life?
Which decade of music is the best?
Where is somewhere you haven’t been, you’d like to go?
Greatest movie of all time?
Train stronger, recover faster and improve your overall performance

Monday Apr 03, 2023
Brad Kahlefeldt - Triathlete, Olympian, 3x World Championship Medallist
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
I was swimming up to 80km a week
It would take you to breaking point
I'd always look at his toenalis before a race
The most mongrel and the most grit
One book you would recommend?
Two most-used apps on your phone?
Toughest race?
First job?
Out of 10, how cool are you?
Who would you want to play a movie of your life?
Which decade of music is the best?
Favorite race?
Where is somewhere you haven’t been, you’d like to go?
Greatest movie of all time?